Saturday, January 16, 2010


The mountains today were absolutely beautiful. So often, the skies of the Central Valley are grey with pollution and fog. (Cough! Hack! Blech!) Its not very often that we can see the beautiful landscape so clearly! And the next 9 or 10 days are supposed to be rainy. I took a few minutes this afternoon to take drive out East towards these beauties.

My poor, antiquated (5 years old!), point-and-shoot camera just does not do the sights justice... driving down the road towards our house, the mountains literally look like you are just 5 minutes away or so. (Really its about 45 minutes.) They are covered with snow and because the foothills sit in front of them, there are just layers and layers of hills and mountains. You can really only see two of the mountain layers in this picture. I was playing around with different photoshop actions and enhancers, but couldn't decide which I like best... I kept coming back to the original straight out of the camera shot (or, SOOC). Some of the others seemed over-processed. I just couldn't decide. So you tell me, which do you like best? (Click on the photo to see them more up-close....)

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