Sunday, February 14, 2010


Happy Valentine's Day! We were surrounded by most of the ones we love the most... our parents. It was a great day. Though there is of course still a great deal of sadness and big gaping hole where our baby girl should be, we are so blessed to be with our family right now. Sean's dad, Jay and Step-mom, Roxanne flew in yesterday from Ohio. Tonight, we put them all up to this new game we got from Sean's brother and sister-in-law. Its called Quelf. This is the PERFECT party game... I think you can play with up to 6 or 8 people. Anyways... it is hillarious. Let's just say it involved Sean playing the National Anthem through his nose, Sean pretending to be an ostrich while running circles around a beached whale, Jay was exiled to sitting underneath the kitchen table for a whole round, Dad had to say "I own you!" in a pirate voice anytime he looked someone in the eye, Roxanne had to keep her arms and legs out straight whenever it wasn't her turn, and I had to draw an elephant arm wrestling a rhinocerous. HILLARIOUS. Everyone was such great sports! It was fun!

1 comment:

  1. This fills my heart with so much joy!!! I'm so glad you guys loved it.
