Monday, February 15, 2010


I am going to break my "only one photo a day" rule again. But, this is my 365 project so I can do what I want, right? This special time in our life calls for more than one photo on some days. :-) Today was a tough day. We have been planning Whitney's memorial service, and it will be tomorrow. At first, we were going to do something at the church and invite all of our friends and family, but that just felt too overwhelming. I'm not ready to face that many people yet, and I was just dreading it. So we finally decided on something small, just with our family. I will write more about it tomorrow, but it is going to be perfect. And I am really at peace about what we've decided to do for a memorial service.

This morning, Sean and I went to BJ's Kountry Kitchen for breakfast... our favorite breakfast spot. Its weird being out and about with 'normal' people again... makes me wonder what other people are going through in their own worlds. Breakfast was great, as usual, and when we got home, Sean and his folks went hiking around Millerton Lake. (First picture at the top, right before they left to go hiking.)

Tonight, Jay and Roxanne fixed us dinner... it was so yummy! Grilled fish and potatoes! Then for dessert, mom and Roxanne made some DELISH apple crisp! Mmmmm it was yummy. (Middle picture) And just for good measure, I threw in the pic of Jay doing the dishes. I told him to "smile" as I was taking the picture and he replied, "I am smiling!" lol... oh yeah, guess he was! (Last picture above.)

It is so great to have our family here for a few days to pamper us and love on us. When I came home from the hospital on Friday, mom had cleaned my whole bedroom and bathroom. And it was a mess! She did all our laundry, and they've been cooking and cleaning for us non-stop. We are really feeling the love right now and loving it! Thank-you all!


  1. so glad you've had your sweet family around. and what a gorgeous home you have! love you, sweetie!

  2. I am so glad that you guys chose a memorial instead. A time of celebration of your precious Whitney!!!
