Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Again, another sucky picture... sorry! I've been carrying my camera with my but forget to actually use it! Grrr... Anyways, this evening, I had coffee with a friend and we talked about Mary Kay. She is already a consultant and I am thinking about becoming one, so we were talking about that over Starbucks. It was fun! I really enjoy make-up, I love Mary Kay, and really need to get back into a good, healthy skin care routine so I think this may be the route for me! What do you think... do any of you use Mary Kay?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sheyenne.My name is Jodie Tally. You don't know me, but my husband and I used to work with Jimmy and Megan in the Jr. High Group at Northside. I started following your blog after I heard about your daughter and I am so sorry about that. The reason that I am posting is about Mary Kay. I actually do not sell it, but sell Arbonne. If you haven't heard of Arbonne it is a Swiss Skin Care company that has amazing products. I have tried both companies and have seen amazing results with Arbonne. If you would like more information feel free to email me at
