Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Well, as of today, I've officially gone private with my 365 blog. Ultimately, this blog is a challenge and project for myself, so I just want to have the comfort of a little privacy, knowing that this can only be read by people who know and love us. :-) Today was another really crappy day. Even worse than the day yesterday. BUT, again, in the midst of a lot of turmoil, God brought me a ray of sunshine. More like a HUGE happy rainbow!! I had to meet a state inspector out at the mobile unit for an inspection. After passing with flying colors, I was on my way to meet Sean for lunch at Chick-fil-A. CFA is WAAAAAY far away from my work. Like, I work downtown, and CFA is WAAAAY uptown. But, I wanted to see my hubby, so I didn't mind. On my way there, my boss called and asked if I could stop back by work before I go to lunch. Well, I was practically already at CFA, so I called her and asked what was up. She told me there was a surprise at work and it'd be really great if I could come back ASAP. A little worried, I got my lunch to go, kissed my hubby and made it back downtown (in noontime traffic) in less than 15 minutes.

I walked into the office and saw a baby carrier on the table, and a few of my co-workers were just looking at me. I thought to myself, "What baby could I possibly want to see right now? And why would they call me just to show me someone else's baby?" But then it hit me.... OH! I know who this is!! Could it be?!??! Right then, one of the counseling room doors opened, and there was L, holding a precious, tiny, sleeping, two-week old baby in her arms. My eyes filled with tears as I ran over to hug L. L was my very first client that I saw at my work. She came in seeking help and information about abortion. I obviously can't give any more detail about her situation than that, but I can tell you that on that day so many months ago, I got to talk with L for more than 2 hours... about life, pregnancy, abortion, ultrasounds, God and HOPE. A few weeks after that, I stood beside her as she had an ultrasound done at our clinic and saw a tiny beating heart that changed both our lives forever. It has been quite a journey with L. When I first saw her, I was also pregnant. At the time, I had no idea that I wouldn't get to hold my baby alive. Through my journey with Whitney, I've thought a lot about L and her situation. It'd be easy to think that its not fair, why me, etc. But the overwhelming thought I've had all these past months is that I am just so grateful that L was able to see the value of life in her unborn baby. And here she was today. With her two week old baby... the baby who almost never was. Tears flowed like honey in Canaan... sweet, and long awaited. And again, once again, I was reminded of God's everlasting, never changing goodness. I have a purpose here. I am making a difference. He is giving me opportunities to share His love and truth, and to save lives. I cannot explain how great it was to hold that little one. Bittersweet, yes. But oh, so worth it. Honestly, it was second only to holding my own daughter. Thank you GOD for meeting me where I'm at, picking me up when I need it, and for always being the same. I wish I could post the picture of me with L and Little One, but again, confidentiality is big so I can't. That's why today's picture is just a pretty one of a pink flower from our front yard.


  1. Aww - I've been enjoying seeing your year through your camera lens. I'd love to read the updates, but I understand if you'd rather not.

  2. Hey shey, I keep up with your 365...I'd love to be able to continue. You can email me. (sarahkhale@gmail.com) if u want. Thanks!

  3. Whew! I was going to miss reading your posts! I definitely want to still keep up with ya! My email is fowlersusane at gmail dot com

  4. i'd still like to have access to your blog! makes you all seem less far away to hear about what is going on in your lives... i understand if you can't add me though. do what is best for you!!
