Monday, June 21, 2010

PSA- Whaddya Think?

So I'm thinking about what to do for next year's 365 project... I really like the idea of doing some kind of blogging every day but to be honest, I don't really want to take pictures again for another 365 days in a row. So I've been trying to think of something different to do. And here's what I've come up with: Word of the Day. Ok, I know that sounds kinda boring, but I promise to make it fun. I'll choose one word (maybe a short sentence or phrase occassionally) that sums up each day, then a little bit of expounding on it. Somedays it will be a fancy word (the thesaurus is my friend!), others will be simple. And occassionally, I'll still include photos, too. So.... what do you think? I know I have a whole half a year (um, a "whole-half?"... you know what I mean) to think of this so I may still change my mind. But just wanted to get some feed back.... :-) Also, is anyone else thinking of doing a 365 project next year?? I've also seen people do weekly photos, but I'm more the kind of person who needs to do something daily to make it a habit. One thing I've seen that I LOVE is this stitchalong 39 Squares project. So I'm still open for inspiration for 2011's project. :-)

1 comment:

  1. I like the word idea! At first I was like, bleh.... word of the day (to be honest), but to have a word or phrase that describes your day--- I like that!

    I'll probably continue on the photography. This month has been extremely tough to keep up with it, though. I get so consumed with trying to edit everything...

    Maybe just a SOOC 365? Then I don't feel pressured to make every picture presentable. It is, after all, my blog!
