First of all, woo-hoo for doing something for 100 days straight!! I am so surprised and proud of myself that I have kept up with it as long as I have! Yay! Next Friday, the 16th, is Whitney's due date. Sean and I wanted to come up with a way to commemmorate that day, so we are going to declare it "Aunt & Uncle Day." Afterall, Sean and I are not the only ones who are missing out on a lot in losing Whitney. Her aunts and uncles are missing out on being 'aunts and uncles' to her, too. So we wanted to recognize them and honor them. We're going to try to remember to celebrate it every year. I have been working on gifts for Whitney's aunts & uncles. I had a lot of fun making these cards, candles and pictures. Its been good to keep my mind and hands busy.
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