Wednesday, April 21, 2010


No, I didn't get called for Jury duty again! But I did have lunch today with a jury duty friend, Tina. Last year in February, I was on a jury for 6 week murder trial. I was so nervous about going downtown for jury duty that morning. I was secretly hoping I would get selected though, because I've always been interested in criminal justice. Anyways, as I was sitting in the HUGE room full of people, I found a seat next to a lady. The courthouse people told us that they didn't need all of us and that we were either free to leave or just stay and serve our one day for the year. So I decided to stay, and so did the lady next to me. Then the waiting began. besically you just sit in this room and as a case need a jury pool, they pull random names. Well I pulled out a book to read, and so did the lady next to me. I recognized the book... "A, B, C's fo Financial Freedom." It was the book our church was doing a series on at the time. So I asked if she went to our church and she did! So we began talking, but then her name got called to go up to a courtroom. I thought she was lucky that she got to leave! But then... my name got called!! And then... after 3 days of jury selection (we came in on the last day) and out of 4 different jury pools of about 30 people each, we wound up on the same jury!! She was an alternate, but we were together along with the other 12 jurors for about 6 weeks. It was an intense trial. When it came time for deliberations, she and the other alternate left us. However, two days into deliberations, two jurors got dismissed, and both alternates were called in! We really bonded during the last day of deliberations... it was a tough one. We were both in tears! But, now that I work downtown, her office is right across the street from mine! So we meet from time to time for lunch. I hadn't seen her in months so it was great to catch up! I just forgot to take a picture!

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